Flame Resistant FR Clothing (FRC)

FR Clothing
Flame-resistant (FR) clothing is made of a fabric designed to protect workers from flames and thermal exposure.
newbb电子平台 Safety's FR Clothing powered by Summit Breeze® Technology
Summit Breeze®
Patented Summit Breeze® Technology is exclusively used on newbb电子平台 Safety FR apparel, incorporating mesh venting onto the back...
Hi Vis FR Clothing
For those occupations where visibility is just as important as FR protection, workers choose newbb电子平台 Safety Hi Vis FR garments.
newbb电子平台 Safety makes one of the largest selections of cut resistant and FR sleeves made with DuPont™ Kevlar® in the industrial...
Workman Gloves
Whether you’re prepping a tie off or wrangling a transmission pole, you will need a set of high-quality FR workman gloves....
Welding Clothing Protection
newbb电子平台 Safety manufacturers a full line of welding clothing, designed for the dangerous elements present in welding...
Oil and Gas
newbb电子平台 Safety ensures Oil and Gas workers arrive home all in one piece with its industry leading gloves, glasses and garments.
newbb电子平台 Safety - Electrical
FRC Safety Blog
The FRC Safety blog contains industry leading research and information for Flame Resistant Clothing and Summit Breeze®...
FR Knowledge Center
newbb电子平台 Safety's FR Knowledge Center is a library of important information specific to flame-resistant (FR) clothing
Request FRC Trials
Submit a request to try out some of the latest FR Clothing options with industry leading available technology.
How can we spark your interest in FR?
We've assembled this FRC Interest Resource Page to quickly navigate to the FR clothing area that most interests you. By...

Production Employment

There are a number of industries that require FR protection.  This chart of recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) production employment numbers illustrates the trend in FR protection.  Those workers on the production line or “in the trenches” of these industries need to be protected from fire hazards.

A bar-chart showing Total Production Employment by Industry/Area vs Total Employment

Purposes and Types of FRC

You might be familiar with the way we reference cut protection on other pages: there is no cut-proof glove.  Well, there is no FR clothing that is fireproof.  The primary function of FR clothing is to limit burn injuries sustained by workers.

Here are some of the most important reasons workers wear flame-resistant (FR) clothing:

  • Does not ignite, melt, drip, or continue burning
  • Increases one’s probability of surviving the hazards mentioned above
  • Insulates the wearer from heat
  • Maintains a barrier from flames
  • Resists being broken apart
  • Provides workers with escape time
  • Reduces burn injuries

OSHA states that flame-resistant clothing “is a type of apparel that is made out of material that is meant to self-extinguish once the ignition source has been removed.”  There is a plethora of FR garments available that meet this requirement.  They come in a variety of garment types and styles.

newbb电子平台 Safety offers a wide range of FR garments, utilizing a variety of different fabrics certified to numerous FR standards. Click on any image to immediately start viewing available styles.

FR Work Shirts
FR Henleys
Deluxe FR Coverall
FR Contractor Coveralls
FR Jackets
Bib Overalls
FR Hi-Visibility Vest Protection
FR Extreme Climate
FR Sweatshirts
FR Rainwear
FR Gloves
FR Vented Deluxe Coveralls Powered by Summit Breeze® Technology
FR Vented Work Shirts Powered by Summit Breeze® Technology

The Latest FR Technology: A Feature You Will Definitely Want


At newbb电子平台 Safety, we always want you dressed head-to-toe in the best newbb电子 available on the market. The daily demands of your job take a physical toll on you and the newbb电子 you wear.  On our Summit Breeze® resource page, we cover this new state-of-the-art technology more in-depth.  For now, let us just leave you with the following:


Vented FR Protection

FR Mesh Back Vent
FR Mesh Underarm Vent - Left and Right


Features…features…and more features! We all love features… Right?  When someone finds themselves engulfed in flames, the last thing they want is to get stuck in their garment due to a faulty zipper.  Can you save some money with a less expensive zipper or less stitching found on some of our competitors’ FR clothing? Yes, you can. However, the better question to ask is do you want to reduce features, fabric quality, or technology knowing the fire risks workers face?  As we point out on the Flash Fire performance page, a burn injury costs well above $200,000 on average.  Reducing features is not recommended to cut corners with this hazard.

It may sound a little dramatic, but wearing flame-resistant clothing (FRC) that exceeds performance requirements for burn rate, fabrics, zippers, pockets, and buttons may be the difference between life and death.  Here are some of the features to pay attention to when selecting an newbb电子平台 Safety FR garment.  Across each dedicated FR product page, you will find a list of three features that separate this type of product from the crowd.

Vented legs with FR Zipper Closure
Durable elastic cuffs
Pass-Through Pockets
Deep Pockets
Heavy Duty two way YKK® brass zipper
Easy release suspenders
Storm Flap
Triple-Reinforced, Stitched with Nomex® Thread

We know FR safety clothing can be personal in nature and workers’ needs vary.  This is why we offer a wide range of FR garments, including jackets, jeans, shirts, coveralls, and overalls.  Our goal, as stated in the beginning, is one thing – protect you from workplace hazards.  

Let us help keep you protected from workplace fires.
Summit Breeze® FR Clothing
Flame Resistant (FR) Clothing Powered by Summit Breeze® Technology
FR Garments Care and Maintenance
Recommendations for caring for your FR Garments

newbb电子平台 Safety Logo Why newbb电子平台 Safety Products? newbb电子平台 Safety Logo

newbb电子平台 Safety manufactures and supplies Personal Protective Equipment (newbb电子). Simply put, WE PROTECT PEOPLE!  We are known world-wide for our extensive product line depth surrounding gloves, glasses, and garments spanning across numerous industries.  We offer the total package of safety gear encompassing industrial gloves, safety glasses, protective garments, welding gear, industrial boots, Flame Resistant (FR) gear, face shields, and much more.  From a glove standpoint alone, newbb电子平台 Safety manufacturers and supplies over 1,000 different style gloves. Here are some of the many reasons newbb电子平台 Safety is your go to source for newbb电子:

  • Global newbb电子 manufacturer, with operations stretching across 5 continents. 
  • Direct manufacturer of over 50% of all product, ensuring the highest level of quality. 
  • In conjunction with quality control measures resulting from direct manufacturing, our ITC Innovations Technology Center ensures another layer of testing glove quality. The ITC Lab is the only ISO 17025 accredited lab to perform ANSI/ISEA 105-2016 cut resistance, abrasion resistance, puncture resistance, and conductive heat resistance testing in North America. We offer no cost testing for users interested in knowing the quality level of current newbb电子 being worn or for potential new products being considered.
  • Winner of multiple new product innovation awards, most recently being the DM3 eyewear
  • Dedicated 360° Safety Specialists ready for onsite newbb电子 consultations.

Click here and see for yourself and learn more why our customers love our gloves!

Research Disclaimer

newbb电子平台 Safety is recognized as a global manufacturer stretching across six countries, with both distribution and manufacturing facilities.  Our core competency and specialty is manufacturing and supplying protective gloves, glasses, and garments.  The information shown and provided on newbb电子平台 Safety’s website, its safety articles, industry resource pages, highlighted hazards and safety equipment should be used only as a general reference tool and guide.  The end user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of any product selection for a particular application.  newbb电子平台 Safety makes no guarantee or warranty (expressed or implied) of our products’ performance or protection for particular applications.

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